Saturday, September 15, 2007

So...Amy to the Rescue

Yes, I know that I just started my blog today and already posted today, but I am posting AGAIN!
Why, well...because I can!
So, I decided my mission is to help other mom's make money from home. I know a couple of new mom's that I have thrown out the whole working from home idea to. Some are very receptive but others think everything is a scam. Well rest assured, there are tons and tons of real work at home jobs, businesses and other ventures. I really think that all mom's need to stay at home with their kids if there is any way possible! However, this does bring me to a whole new challenge to warn you about should you decide to work at home. You will feel like you work 24/7, you will feel under appreciated, and well I will be honest some days your kids will drive you BONKERS. I mean between working, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, paying bills, taking care of the kids, playing with the kids ( you have got to make time for this), going to doctor's appointments, and taking care of the 4th kid (HUBBY), there is no ME time EVER! You will get used to this and it will be okay, but sometimes when your husband compares his work outside of the home job to your 200 work at home jobs you will feel very under appreciated and frustrated! Again, you will get used to this. It will be okay, because then hubby will clean the kitchen and all will be right in the world. finally sit down for the first time in a day to relax for 5 whole minutes. Don't get too comfortable...wait for it...wait for it. Here it comes! "Mommy, mommy I want, I want, I need I need..."! You know what though, all this chaos, it is what I live for, what I get out of the bed for every morning and I LOVE IT. I love them. Always will...

Oh by the way. You want to work at home? Check out these sites:

There are some WONDERFUL ladies (and gents) on both. If you visit often you too can work 24/7, feel under appreciated, and go Bonkers with me each and every wonderful day!

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